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2013-11-07 09:21 字体:   打印 收藏 
在《西贡小姐》戏剧表演方面,本文对其戏剧、音乐、舞蹈等表演因素进行了解析。通过分析总结认为,人物的演唱要紧紧把握住人物的性格特征进行个性化诠释,如:《西贡小姐》中金这样的人物要体现她的天真、纯朴、自然的内在性格特征并赋予相应的艺术渲染,而 “工程师”这样的人物,在表现上就要注意其外在的夸张,以及表现出张扬的艺术效果。自然而随性的艺术特色是《西贡小姐》在艺术表演上的特色之一。除了以上对《西贡小姐》表演元素的研究之外,本文还就中国音乐剧的发展以及可以从《西贡小姐》总可以吸取经验进行了分析,《西贡小姐》的成功并非个体事件,具有其发展必然性,对东方音乐剧创编有借鉴参考意义。而发展较为滞后的中国音乐剧更应从其成功典范中找到自己音乐剧的发展启示。

Musical"Miss Saigon"is based on a photograph of〝Vietnam War"extended to express“anti-war”through the tragedy of love.Based on the musical"Miss Saigon"for text research object,the dissertation analyses the book,music,art element such as stage
performance.In the script,it made reference to the plot in the opera madam butterfly themes,and developed into a consistent story of the musical twists and turns required.Kim,Chris,Sui which formed a complex characters relationships and emotional journey.Among them,the musical mood on the subject of war and life were integrated,bottom of the suffering people of the Vietnam and the United States were presented in diverse artistic styles.
In music research,I take the main arias to study;the unique music of the musical is analyzed.Its music language is Europe and classical symphonic music material as the main body.Kim,Sui were marked the Oriental cultural attributes and Chris,Alan,John,of American culture attributes.Among them,jazz and Oriental Vietnam folk music wereconcentrated rendering.In terms of stage performance,the drama,music and dance performance were analyzed.The results indicate that singing the role of the characteristics according to personal interpretation of characters.Such as Kim should be pursued a simple figure inherent artistic features of the natural,and"engineer"must pay attention to such a person outside of the exaggeration of the artistic effect.Natural,casual,in the lines with the story of art is characterized by the development of dance as the artistic embellishment of the pursuit of musical"miss Saigon".After the thesis research work,the dissertation also features the Chinese musical content and the pursuit of goals,the success of"miss Saigon"in the art history is not only a case,but also played a guiding role.While Chinese musical should find its creative approach and successful path of its development.
Key words:Musical,Miss Saigon, Music composition,Musical performance